About our Country Maps
As full-time graphic designers we produce a variety of maps in the course of our work, including a range maps of different countries, states, provinces etc. We thought we would share them here. :)
Country Map Uses
Please keep in mind that we are designers, not cartographers. Our maps are intended for use in design only. A certain degree of inaccuracy and artistic licence would be standard for our maps and should be expected. Borders and other features visible on our maps are often approximations and may not be correct or complete.
Personal and commercial use of our maps are allowed, on the condition that you do not offer them as downloads from your site or any other site. MapPNG is their only distribution point.
Custom Country Maps
Our web site does not (yet) have maps for every country in the world, but we can make what you need, and fully customize it for you. Prices for custom maps are usually in the $100 range, but it depends very much on your particular needs. Let us know what you have in mind and we will get back to you.
All maps and graphics on this site are original, created in-house, and are free for personal or commercial use. Use it for work, school projects, YouTube videos etc. You can't redistribute them on your site though. Full licence.
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