Featured World Map
Percentage of Population that is Female
Where does it suck to be a guy? The answer is Oman. Oh man. Only about 1 third of the population of Oman is female. On the other end of the scale we have Nepal and Russia, where females make up 54% and 53% of the population respectively. The global population is 49.6% female (2017 data).
26 August 2021
MapPNG.com (In-house design), based on data from Our World in Data.
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Featured USA Map
Map of “Bitcoin” searches in the US
How interested are people from around the United States in Bitcoin? We collected data from Google Trends and compiled it into a map. California, Nevada, New Jersey and Washington come out on top. Folks in Kentucky and Mississippi could care less!
26 August 2021
MapPNG.com (In-house design), based on data from Google Trends.
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Featured Globe
Black and White, Shaded Globe
Clean, black and white globe design, with horizontal lines transitioning from thin lines to thick lines to simulate day/night shading in a modern, simplified way. This image has a transparent background. You can use it on any color background - except a black background!
13 August 2021
MapPNG.com (In-house design)
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Original Map and Globe Art
High-detail images, exclusive to this web site!
All maps and graphics on this site are original, created in-house, and are free for personal or commercial use. Use it for work, school projects, YouTube videos etc. You can't redistribute them on your site though. Full licence.
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